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Full Time Facult

Chien-Chung Shih

Assistant Professor and Associate Chairman

  • TitleAssistant Professor and Associate Chairman
  • EducationPh.D., Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University
  • SpecialtySoft materials, nano materials, soft electronics, carbon tube electronics, photoelectric polymers
  • OfficeEC311
  • Tel+886-5-5342601(ext 4699)
  • LaboratorySoft Materials and Electronic Components Lab(EC513)
  • Tel4699
  • CoursesUnit Operation and Transport Phenomenon (2), Physical Chemistry (2), Advanced Polymer Chemistry

A、Journal papers:

SCI Journal :

First author or corresponding author

  1. C. ‐C. Shih, Y. ‐C. Chiu, W. ‐Y. Lee, J. ‐Y. Chen and W. ‐C. Chen*” Conjugated polymer nanoparticles as nano floating gate electrets for high performance nonvolatile organic transistor memory devices” Adv. Funct. Mater. 2015, 25, 1511. (selected as Inside Back Cover)
  2. C. -C. Shih, W-Y Lee, W-C Chen*,” Nanostructured materials for non-volatile organic transistor memory applications” Mater. Horiz., 2016, 3, 294.
  3. C.-C. Shih, C.-Y. Chung, J.-Y. Lam, H.-C. Wu, Y. Morimitsu, H. Matsuno, K. Tanaka, W.-C. Chen*,” Transparent deoxyribonucleic acid substrate with high mechanical strength for flexible and biocompatible organic resistive memory devices” Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 13463.
  4. C. -C. Shih, W. -Y. Lee, Y. -C. Chiu, H. -W. Hsu, H. -C.  Chang, C. -L.  Liu, W. -C. Chen* ,” High performance transparent transistor memory devices using nano-floating gate of polymer/ZnO nanocomposites” Sci. Rept. 2016, 6, 20129
  5. C. -C. Shih, W‐Y. Lee, C. -Lu, H. -C. Wu, W. ‐C. Chen*,” Enhancing the Mechanical Durability of an Organic Field Effect Transistor through a Fluoroelastomer Substrate with a Crosslinking‐Induced Self‐Wrinkled Structure” Adv. Electron. Mater. 2017, 1600477
  6. C. -C. Shih, C. -W.  Huang, M. Gao, C. -C. Chueh and W. -C. Chen*,” Multi-state Memristive Behavior in the Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cell” J. Mater. Chem. C.  2017, 5, 11421-11428.
  7. C. -C. Shih, M. Wu, S.‐N. Hsu, C.‐W. Huang, L.‐C. Hsu, J.‐Y. Lam and W. -C. Chen* ” A Robust, Air‐Stable and Recyclable Hydrogel Toward Stretchable Electronic Device Applications” Macromol. Mater. Eng. 2018, 0, 1800282.
  8. C. -C. Shih, Y.-C. Lin, M. Gao, M. Wu, H.-C., Hsieh, N.-L. Wu, W.- C. Chen* ” A rapid and green method for the fabrication of conductive hydrogels and their applications in stretchable supercapacitors ” J. Power Sources, 2019, 426, 205
  9. C. -C. Shih, Y.-C. Chiang, H.-C. Hsieh, Y.-C. Lin and W.-C. Chen* ” Multilevel Photonic Transistor Memory Devices Using Conjugated/Insulated Polymer Blend Electrets” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 11, 45, 42429.
  10. Y.-C. Lin, C.-C. Shih (equal contribution), Y.-C. Chiang, C.-K. Chen and W.-C. Chen* ” Intrinsically stretchable isoindigo–bithiophene conjugated copolymers using poly (acrylate amide) side chains for organic field-effect transistors” Polym. Chem., 2019, 10, 5172


  1. C.-J. Chiang, K.-T. Tsai, Y.-H. Lee, H.-W. Lin, Y.-L. Yang, C.-C. Shih, C.-Y. Lin, H.-A. Jeng, Y.-H. Weng, Y.-Y. Cheng, K.-C. Ho and C.-A. Dai, ” In situ fabrication of conducting polymer composite film as a chemical resistive CO2 gas sensor” Microelectron. Eng., 2013, 111, 409-415
  2. J. -T. Chen, C. -C. Shih, Y. -J. Fu, S. -H. Huang, C. -C. Hu, K. -R. Lee and J. -Y. Lai ” Zeolite-filled porous mixed matrix membranes for air separation” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2014, 53 , 2781.
  3. H. ‐C. Chang, C. ‐C. Shih, C. ‐L. Liu and W. ‐C. Chen*,” A 1D Electrospun Nanofiber Channel for Organic Field‐Effect Transistors Using a Donor/Acceptor Planar Heterojunction Architectures” Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 2, 1500054
  4. Y. -C. Chiu, C. -C. Shih and W. -C. Chen*,” Nonvolatile memories using the electrets of conjugated rod-coil block copolymer and its nanocomposite with single wall carbon nanotubes” J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3, 551.
  5. J.-Y. Chen, Y.-C Chiu, C.-C. Shih, W.-C. Wu and W.-C. Chen*” Electrospun nanofibers with dual plasmonic-enhanced luminescent solar concentrator effects for high-performance organic photovoltaic cells” J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 15039. (selected as Inside Front Cover)
  6. C. ‐T. Chen, W. -Y. Lee, T. ‐L. Shen, H. ‐C. Wu, C. -C. Shih, B. ‐W. Ye, T. ‐Y. Lin, W. ‐C. Chen* and Y. ‐F. Chen*,” Highly Reliable and Sensitive Tactile Transistor Memory” Adv. Electron. Mater. 2017, 1600548
  7. J.-T. Wang, S. Takshima, H.-C. Wu, C. -C. Shih, T. Isono, T.  Kakuchi, T. Satoh* and W. -C. Chen* ” Stretchable Conjugated Rod–Coil Poly (3-hexylthiophene)-block-poly (butyl acrylate) Thin Films for Field Effect Transistor Applications” Macromolecules, 2017, 50, 1442–1452.
  8. C. Lu , W.-Y. Lee*, C.-C. Shih, M.-Y. Wen and W. C. Chen*,” Stretchable Polymer Dielectrics for Low-Voltage-Driven Field-Effect Transistors” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9, 25522–25532.
  9. Y.-T. Hsieh, J.-Y. Chen, C. -C. Shih, C. -C. Chueh and W. -C. Chen* ” Mechanically robust, stretchable organic solar cells via buckle-on-elastomer strategy ”Org. Electron. 2018,53,339.
  10. J. Aimi, P. -H. Wang, C. -C, Shih, C.-F. Huang, T. Nakanishi, M. Takeuchi, H.-Y. Hsueh, W. -C. Chen* ”Star Polymer with a Metallo-Phthalocyanine Core as a Tunable Charge Storage Material for Nonvolatile Transistor Memory” J. Mater. Chem. C. 2018, 6, 2724.
  11. J. -Y. Lam, C. -C. Shih, W. -Y. Lee, C.- C. Chueh, G. -W. Jang, C. -J. Huang, S. -H. Tung and W. -C. Chen*, ” Bio‐Based Transparent Conductive Film Consisting of Polyethylene Furanoate and Silver Nanowires for Flexible Optoelectronic Devices” Macromol. Rapid. Commun., 2018, 0, 1800271
  12. C.-H. Tsai, Y.-A. Su, P.-C. Lin, C.-C. Shih, H.-C. Wu, W.-C. Chen and C.-C. Chueh*, ”High-performance ternary polymer solar cells using wide-bandgap biaxially extended octithiophene-based conjugated polymers” J. Mater. Chem. C., 2018, 6, 6920
  13. Y.-C. Chiang, C.-C. Shih, S.-H. Tung, W.-C. Chen* ”Blends of polythiophene nanowire/fluorine rubber with multiscale phase separation suitable for stretchable semiconductors” Polymer, 2018, 155, 146.
  14. E. Ercan, J.-Y. Chen, C.-C. Shih, C.-C. Chueh, W.-C. Chen* ”Influence of polymeric electrets on the performance of derived hybrid perovskite-based photo-memory devices” Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 18869.
  15. L.-C. Hsu, C.-C. Shih, H.-C. Hsieh, Y.-C. Chiang, P.-H. Wu, C.-C. Chueh and W.-C. Chen* ” Intrinsically stretchable, solution-processable functional poly(siloxane-imide)s for stretchable resistive memory applications” Polym. Chem., 2018, 9, 5145.
  16. M. Gao, C.-C. Shih, S.-Y. Pan, C-C. Chueh and W.-C. Chen* ”Advances and challenges of green materials for electronics and energy storage applications: from design to end-of-life recovery” J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6, 20546
  17. K. -T., Huang, C.-C. Shih, H. -Y, Liu, D. Murakami, R., Kanto, C.-T. Lo, H. Mori, C.-C. Chueh Chen, W.-C. Chen* ” Alcohol-Soluble Cross-Linked Poly(nBA)n-b-Poly(NVTri)m Block Co-polymer and Its Applications in Organic Photovoltaic Cells for Improved Stability” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018, 10 ,44741.
  18. K. -T., Huang, C.-C. Shih, B.-H Jiang, R.-J.Jeng, C. -P.Chen, W.-C.Chen* ” The green poly-lysine enantiomers as electron-extraction layers for high performance organic photovoltaics” J. Mater. Chem. C, 2019,7, 40.
  19. Y. -C. Chiang, S. Kobayashi, T. Isono, C.-C. Shih, T. Shingu, C.-C. Hung, H.-C. Hsieh, S.-H. Tung, T. Satoh and W.-C. Chen* ” Effect of a conjugated/elastic block sequence on the morphology and electronic properties of polythiophene based stretchable block copolymers” Polym. Chem., 2019, 10, 5452
  20. H.-Y. Liu, H.-C. Hsieh, J.-Y. Chen, C.-C. Shih, W.-Y. Lee, Y.-C. Chiang and W.-C. Chen,  ” Fabrication and Application of Highly Stretchable Conductive Fiber‐Based Electrode of Epoxy/NBR Electrospun Fibers Spray‐Coated with AgNW/PU Composites” Macromol. Chem. Phys., 2019, 220, 1800387
  21. C.-K. Chen, H.-C. Hsieh, C.-C. Shih, C.-H. Wu, M.-C. Fu, T. Higashihara, R.-J. Jeng and W.-C. Chen, ” Enhancing performance of nonvolatile transistor memories via electron‐accepting composition in triphenylamine‐based random copolymers” J. Polym. Sci. A Pol. Chem., 2019, 57, 1113-1121

C.-T. Lo, Y. Watanabe, D. Murakami, C.-C. Shih, K. Nakabayashi, H. Mori and W.-C. Chen, ” Donor-Acceptor Core-Shell Nanoparticles and Their Application in Non‐Volatile Transistor Memory Devices” Macromol. Rapid Commun., 2019, 40, 1900115


B、 Patent:



  1. 石健忠、李文亞、呂謙、吳泓錦、陳文章 可拉伸電晶體-中華民國專利證書,證書號:I637986
  2. 陳文章、石健忠、李文亞、黃承鈞、張光偉. 可撓導電結構與可撓電子裝置-中華民國專利證書,證書號數:I641483


C、International Symposium Papers:

  1. C.-C. Shih, Y.-C. Chiu, W. -Y Lee, J.-Y. Chen and W. -C. Chen “Conjugated Polymer Nanoparticles as Nano Floating Gate Electrets for High Performance Nonvolatile Organic Transistor Memory Devices” MACRO 2014, Chiang Mai, Tailand. (Poster presentation)
  2. C.-C. Shih, Y.-C. Chiu, W. -Y Lee, J.-Y. Chen and W. -C. Chen* “Nanostructure Materials for High Performance Nonvolatile Organic Transistor Memory Devices” 2015 SPIE , San Diego, U.S. (Poster presentation).
  3. C.-C. Shih, Y.-C. Chiu, W. -Y Lee, J.-Y. Chen and W. -C. Chen* A “Novel Approach for Nonvolatile Organic Transistor Memory by utilizing conjugated polymer nanoparticles as nano floating gate electrets ” 2015, Annual Polymer Conference, Taipei, Taiwan (Oral presentation)
  4. C. -C. Shih, W. -Y. Lee, Y. -C. Chiu, H. -W. Hsu, H. -C.  Chang, C. -L.  Liu, W. -C. Chen* , “ High performance transparent transistor memory devices using nano floating gate of polymer/ZnO nanocomposites” 2016, The 12th Cross-Strait Workshop on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Taiwan (Oral presentation)
  5. C. -C. Shih, W. -Y. Lee, Y. -C. Chiu, H. -W. Hsu, H. -C.  Chang, C. -L.  Liu, W. -C. Chen* A “High performance transparent transistor memory devices using nano-floating gate of polymer/ZnO nanocomposites ” 2016, Annual Polymer Conference, Tainan, Taiwan (Poster presentation)
  6. C.-C. Shih, C.-Y. Chung, J.-Y. Lam, H.-C. Wu, Y. Morimitsu, H. Matsuno, K. Tanaka, W.-C. Chen*,” Transparent deoxyribonucleic acid substrate with high mechanical strength for flexible and biocompatible organic resistive memory devices” 2017, Annual Polymer Conference, Taichung, Taiwan (Poster presentation)
  7. C.-C. Shih, W. -Y. Lee, C. Lu, H. -C. Wu, W. -C. Chen* “ Enhancing the mechanical durability of the organic field effect transistor through the fluoroelastomer substrate with a crosslinking-induced self-wrinkled structure” 2017, 13th International Symposium on Functional Pi-Electron Systems, Hong Kong  (Oral presentation)
  8. C. -C. Shih, S. -N, Hsu, C. -W. Huang, L. -C. Hsu, J.-Y. Lam and Wen-Chang Chen* “ A robust, air-stable and recyclable hydrogel toward stretchable electronic device applications” 2018 Bowei conference , Taiwan (Poster presentation)
  9. C. -C. Shih, S. -N, Hsu, C. -W. Huang, L. -C. Hsu, J.-Y. Lam and Wen-Chang Chen* “ A robust, air-stable and recyclable hydrogel toward stretchable electronic device applications” 2018 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit Phoenix U.S. (Poster presentation)